Peanut Butter Pretzel and Toffee Bonbons
These peanut butter pretzel and toffee bonbons have a peanut butter center loaded with toffee and pretzel pieces then smothered in chocolate!
Oh boy. Seriously. Wow. Oooh doggity. These babies are good.
So good that I’ve made them three times in the last week.
So good that I had to make a midnight trip to the store to get peanut butter because I realized I was all out.

So good that it is literally impossible to eat just one. Or three. Or five.
So good that I had a million other things to post and these bonbons trumped them all.
A sweet, creamy, peanut buttery center loaded with toffee bits and pretzel pieces is smothered in chocolate and topped with additional crunchy delights.
A worthy snack for a group of starving kids or elegant enough to serve at the end of a gourmet dinner party (I may or may not have used them for both occasions already), these bonbons have taken up permanent residence in my treat portfolio (and my hips…but that’s a problem for another time).
Peanut Butter Pretzel and Toffee Bonbons
- ½ cup (113 g) butter, softened to warm room temperature
- 2 cups (228 g) powdered sugar
- 2 cups (510 g) peanut butter
- 1 cup toffee bits
- 2 cups chopped/crushed pretzel sticks
- 1 pound chocolate, semisweet, milk, bittersweet
- 2 tablespoons shortening or butter
- Toffee, chopped nuts, chocolate jimmies for garnish
- In a large bowl with an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar together until evenly combined. Add the peanut butter and mix well, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. Stir in the toffee bits and pretzel pieces by hand with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula.
- Line a large rimmed baking sheet (12X18-inches or several smaller baking sheets) with parchment or waxed paper. Roll the peanut butter mixture into 1-inch or so (it doesn’t have to be exact) balls and place them on the lined baking sheets. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and freeze for 15-20 minutes until firm. At this point, the balls can be transferred to a sealed container or freezer ziploc bag and frozen for up to 2 months.
- Meanwhile, melt the chocolate and shortening/butter together in a microwave-safe bowl or in a double boiler until completely melted and smooth (taking care not to overheat the chocolate as that can cause white streaks, bloom, to appear in the hardened chocolate).
- One by one, toss a formed peanut butter/pretzel ball into the melted chocolate and using a fork, cover the ball with chocolate. Lift the covered bonbon out of the chocolate with the fork and tap the lower stem of the fork (right above where the rectangular tined fork part ends) on the edge of the bowl to let excess chocolate fall through the tines of the fork. Scrape the bottom of the fork along the edge of the bowl and transfer the covered bonbon to a parchment lined baking sheet (you can use the same baking sheet(s) used for freezing the balls if you have room).
- Set the bonbon very close to the parchment paper and using a second fork or butter knife, gently scoot the bonbon off the fork onto the baking sheet. Immediately sprinkle your garnish of choice on the top of the wet chocolate before it sets.
- Refrigerate the bonbons until ready to serve.
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Recipe Source: from Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey Treats for Kids
Been wanting to make these for a year and finally did! They are SO tasty! Definitely a Christmas treat staple now!
I made these pretty treats last night, & I must say they came out gorgeous! I didn’t have any toffee bits on hand, but there is so much flavor & texture going on in these that I didn’t seem to miss it. The chocolate didn’t seem to melt up as well as other times I’ve melted it, so I just added some milk until I got the desired consistency. The fork/knife trick was totally key!! Thank you, Mel, for another winner.
These are as good as they look! My girls and I made them for my hubby and son for Valentine’s Day but I’m not sure how many they’ll get as we keep sneaking one or three all day! I used Ghiradelli chips for some and found they were a bit trickier to work with than the Ghiradelli Melting wafers. The wafers were a better consistency to roll the balls in. We did balls a little smaller than one inch and got a little over 100 out of our batch. They were not as pretty as yours, Mel, but they are beyond delicious!! We will be making these again! Thank you for sharing your fun, easy, tasty recipes!
10-12 dozen? I got 3.5 dozen! Mel, what did I do wrong besides make the balls too big and eat half the batter while rolling the balls ;). These are my favorite!
It’s been a couple years since I’ve made these but I remember making them pretty small.
Hi Mel, just wandering can you freeze these after they are covered in chocolate too?
I haven’t tried it, Candace, so I’m not sure but I’ve frozen other truffle type treats before and they freeze pretty well with the chocolate coating.
Has anyone tried these with soy nut butter or sun butter? As a previous commenter stated, we too have peanut allergies in our house. I’d love to make these but am not interested in putting time into something if they won’t turn out.
Marci, I haven’t noticed the pretzels getting mushy. They hold up pretty well.
Do the pretzels get mushy if you don’t eat them right away or when you freeze them?
Amazing!! My husband helped me dip the pb balls in the chocolate-he used skewers we had to swirl them in the chocolate and then used the rounded or handle side to scoop them up and sit them on the wax paper…can’t wait to share them with our family!!!